I shall become a bat...

I shall become a bat...

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Batman Year Three

Grief has been explored time and again in Batman's career. It would be impossible to do the things that he does without suffering when he fails. Perhaps his biggest failure (until Damian of course) was the death of Jason Todd. This was the first time that someone who Batman had taken on as an ally, and a son, would die at the hands of one of his enemies. Barbara Gordon also suffered at the hands of The Joker, but Todd's death left more of an impression due to his proximity to the Bat and Bruce.

Needless to say, Batman loses himself in his crusade to try and make sense of the loss of Jason. Batman is investigating a series of hits on the crime families of Gotham. Alfred calls Nightwing back from Bludhaven to try and talk some sense into Bruce, all whilst Tony Zucco is petitioning for release from prison. 

Once Nightwing returns, we see a series of flashbacks to earlier on in Batman's career. I can only assume this is the 'Year Three' of the title - unless the Bat continuity is just as messed up back then as it is right now with the introduction of the New 52. We revisit Grayson's origins, then seeing the battle of Batman and Robin against Zucco. It's a subtle battle, which is a theme that comes through in the present day scenes, as Batman's current investigation is anything but subtle.

We also see flashbacks that flesh out the back story of Zucco, which seem to paint him as a similar character to Grayson and Wayne in his origins. Zucco loses his family at a young age and seeks revenge against those who took his parents from him. Unlike Batman and Grayson though he doesn't have any guidance during his formative years. This is an idea that I have seen explored several times in the. Batman comics I have read as part of this endeavour to read the chronological adventures of the Bat. But it is an idea worth revisiting - what would Batman be if he hadn't had the same upbringing and support that Bruce had? 

There are also hints at an important character to come in the mysterious 'Tim' who is referenced at the final performance of the Flying Grayson's. Although this seemingly has no significance to the story here, it will soon come to fruition in the next arc that this blog will explore.

Characterisation is strong here - Bruce is wounded and adrift without the grounding force of Robin. Nightwing is the matured sidekick, who has learned from his time battling by the side of Batman. Alfred is the loyal servant, who not only calls on help when he is concerned for his master, but also tries to ensure that Zucco will remain behind bars.

All in all this was a great little stopgap between the tenure of Jason Todd as Robin, before Tim Drake takes over in the next arc.

Next up - A Lonely Place of Dying.

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